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Total results: 3093
ID finds type site name Pottery detail Pottery decoration
3070 pottery Hole-mouthed jar Çukuriçi Höyük Knob
2132 pottery Çukuriçi Höyük Foot
2126 pottery Çukuriçi Höyük Mat-impressed
2130 pottery Carinated Bowl with inverted rim Çukuriçi Höyük
2129 pottery Shallow Bowl Çukuriçi Höyük Rolled rim
2247 pottery Çine-Tepecik Höyüğü Mushroom handle
2243 pottery Çine-Tepecik Höyüğü Pattern burnished
2242 pottery Jug Çine-Tepecik Höyüğü Horned handle
Pattern burnished
2244 pottery Cheese Pot Çine-Tepecik Höyüğü
2245 pottery Çine-Tepecik Höyüğü Elongated prong handle with knob
2461 small finds figurine Çine-Tepecik Höyüğü
2246 pottery Çine-Tepecik Höyüğü Incised-Pointillé decoration
2248 pottery Pointed beaker Çine-Tepecik Höyüğü
2249 pottery Çine-Tepecik Höyüğü Mat-impressed
2062 pottery Çatalhöyük
2065 small finds jewellery Çatalhöyük
2066 small finds tool Çatalhöyük
2067 small finds figurine Çatalhöyük
2064 animal remains Çatalhöyük
2063 botany Çatalhöyük
2068 small finds tool Çatalhöyük
2087 small finds other Çatalhöyük
2061 lithics Çatalhöyük
2498 small finds figurine Çamlıbel Tarlası
1255 pottery Ziros (Lamnoni L23A) Polished

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