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Total results: 3093
ID finds type site name Pottery detail Pottery decoration
530 pottery Jug Koufiero-Cave
529 pottery Bowl Koufiero-Cave Black burnished
Matt painted
Monochrome Urfirnis
Pattern burnished
Patterned Urfirnis
Red burnished
monochrome red
528 pottery Carinated Bowl Koufiero-Cave Rolled rim
Black burnished
Pattern burnished
Red burnished
564 pottery Sieve Koufiero-Cave
533 small finds tool Koufiero-Cave
532 pottery Pithos Koufiero-Cave Elephant Lug
Strap handle
Plastic Decoration
531 pottery Baking Pan Koufiero-Cave
565 pottery Sieve Agios Dimitrios
535 pottery Carinated Bowl Agios Dimitrios Incised
Pattern burnished
monochrome red
534 pottery Bowl Agios Dimitrios Incised
Pattern burnished
monochrome red
536 pottery Jug Agios Dimitrios
539 animal remains Agios Dimitrios
538 small finds tool Agios Dimitrios
537 pottery Pithos Agios Dimitrios Knob
Strap handle
Plastic Decoration
540 pottery Kato Samiko
542 small finds tool Bouri
541 pottery Bouri
544 small finds tool Lagovouno/Asphakovouni
543 pottery Lagovouno/Asphakovouni Red burnished
545 pottery Kertezi
546 small finds tool Kertezi
549 small finds tool Toumba Valoumenou
548 pottery Jar Toumba Valoumenou
547 pottery Bowl Toumba Valoumenou Flat Base
Black burnished
Brown on cream
Polychrome burnished
Red on white
monochrome red
552 animal remains Toumba Valoumenou

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