Area 1145

Main Information
Area ID 1145
Site Ulucak Höyük
Area type settlement
Area NR
Period Anatolia: Early Neolithic
Dating method material culture
radiocarbon dating
Radiocarbon dated yes
Earliest date: Lab Number Beta-269727
Earliest date: 14C age (BP)
Earliest date: Calibration yes
Earliest date: 14C age calibrated (BC)
Earliest date: Date of calibration None
Earliest date: Standard deviation None
Earliest date: Delta 13C None
Earliest date: Dated by charcoal
Latest date: Lab Number Beta-269728
Latest date: 14C age (BP)
Latest date: Calibration yes
Latest date: 14C age calibrated (BC)
Latest date: Date of calibration None
Latest date: Standard deviation None
Latest date: Delta 13C None
Latest date: Dated by charcoal
Period Reference Çilingiroğlu, Altan; Çevik, Özlem; Çilingiroğlu, Çiler, Ulucak Höyüğü, 2012, Izmir
Comment The cultural layers belonging to the earliest inhabitants are described as Level VI. This level is dated in absolute terms with seven AMS determinations obtained from animal bones and charcoal to the first half of the 7th millenium BC with one sigma calibrated results ranging from 7040 to 6460 cal. BC.
Settlement type tell
Settlement structure
Settlement building type
Settlement building shape rectangular
Settlement building technique plaster wall
Settlement archaeological features hearth
paved area
plastered floor
post hole
Cave/rockshelters type None
Cave/rockshelters: Evidence of graves/human remains
Cave/rockshelters: Evidence of occupation
Quarry exploitation type None
Quarry raw material
Cemetery/graves topography
Cemetery/graves mortuary features
Grave: number of graves
Grave type
Grave: type of human remains
Grave: estimated number of individuals
Grave: age groups
Grave: sexes
Grave: number of female sex None
Grave: number of male sex None
Grave: number of not specified sex None
Grave: disturbance of graves
Description Ulucak VI is composed of red painted plaster floors belonging to two distinct buildings and open areas with various fire installations. The red plaster floors belong to Buildings 42 and 43. The lime plaster is painted in bright red burshes and is polished. Building 42 contains also many fragmentary plaster pieces which seem to have fallen down from the walls. Both buildings contain a stone paved hearth area in the corner of the building. The hearth in Building 42 is oval with daub surrounding the stones. The hearth in Building 43 is rectangular with mud construction surrounding it. Both buildings have central postholes. Outside of these buildings were open air activity areas where ovens and circular hearths were located.
Comment Level VI is distinguished from the subsequent occupations by the lack of pottery. No clay objects and pottery are found in those deposits, neither inside the buildings nor outside. The absence of pottery indicats that the inhabitants of Ulucak VI produced containers from organic materials.
Location of the Site

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