Area 120

Main Information
Area ID 120
Site Salat Cami Yani
Area type settlement
Area NR Phase 3 (square 1Y)
Period Anatolia: Late Neolithic
Dating method material culture
Radiocarbon dated no
Earliest date: Lab Number
Earliest date: 14C age (BP)
Earliest date: Calibration None
Earliest date: 14C age calibrated (BC)
Earliest date: Date of calibration None
Earliest date: Standard deviation None
Earliest date: Delta 13C None
Earliest date: Dated by
Latest date: Lab Number
Latest date: 14C age (BP)
Latest date: Calibration None
Latest date: 14C age calibrated (BC)
Latest date: Date of calibration None
Latest date: Standard deviation None
Latest date: Delta 13C None
Latest date: Dated by
Period Reference Miyake, Y., Salat Cami Yani, None, None
Comment The layers (Layers 2-1) of Phase 3 were exclusively uneavered in square 1Y, that includes the highest point of the site in its present state.
Settlement type tell
Settlement structure
Settlement building type
Settlement building shape
Settlement building technique
Settlement archaeological features
Cave/rockshelters type None
Cave/rockshelters: Evidence of graves/human remains
Cave/rockshelters: Evidence of occupation
Quarry exploitation type None
Quarry raw material
Cemetery/graves topography
Cemetery/graves mortuary features
Grave: number of graves
Grave type
Grave: type of human remains
Grave: estimated number of individuals
Grave: age groups
Grave: sexes
Grave: number of female sex None
Grave: number of male sex None
Grave: number of not specified sex None
Grave: disturbance of graves
Description Unfortunately, in the course of the serious destruction of the site, it seems quite likely that the greater part of the deposits of Phase 3 had already been removed. Mainly due to the insufficient exposure, no structure was detected.
Finds in this Area
Interpretations related to this Area
Interpretation ID 46
ID 47
ID 48