Area 652

Main Information
Area ID 652
Site Knossos
Area type settlement
Area NR
Period Crete/Tomkins 2007: Final Neolithic IV
Crete/Wilson, Momigliano: Early Minoan Ia
Crete/Wilson, Momigliano: Early Minoan Ib
Dating method material culture
Radiocarbon dated None
Earliest date: Lab Number
Earliest date: 14C age (BP)
Earliest date: Calibration None
Earliest date: 14C age calibrated (BC)
Earliest date: Date of calibration None
Earliest date: Standard deviation None
Earliest date: Delta 13C None
Earliest date: Dated by
Latest date: Lab Number
Latest date: 14C age (BP)
Latest date: Calibration None
Latest date: 14C age calibrated (BC)
Latest date: Date of calibration None
Latest date: Standard deviation None
Latest date: Delta 13C None
Latest date: Dated by
Period Reference P. Tomkins, Neolithic: Strata IX-VIII, VII-VIB, VIA-V, IV, IIIB, IIIA, IIA, and IC Groups, 2007, London
Alram-Stern, Eva, Die Ägäische Frühzeit, 2. Serie,Forschungsbericht 1977-2009. Das neolithische und vorpalastzeitliche Kreta, None, None
Comment Stratum IB = transitional period between Final Neolithic IV and Early Minoan I; not contemporary to "Kampos-Group" from the so-called sub-neolithic.
Settlement type None
Settlement structure
Settlement building type
Settlement building shape
Settlement building technique
Settlement archaeological features pit
Cave/rockshelters type None
Cave/rockshelters: Evidence of graves/human remains
Cave/rockshelters: Evidence of occupation
Quarry exploitation type None
Quarry raw material
Cemetery/graves topography
Cemetery/graves mortuary features
Grave: number of graves
Grave type
Grave: type of human remains
Grave: estimated number of individuals
Grave: age groups
Grave: sexes
Grave: number of female sex None
Grave: number of male sex None
Grave: number of not specified sex None
Grave: disturbance of graves
Description Stratum IB lies directly above layer IC in several small contexts: in a pit in trench FF in the West Court; on the clay surface area in the Central Court --> connected to House L and the early phase of House J (J 1); in a small deposit in the South-West-Wing. The ground plan of the houses can be reconstructed through wall-remains and low foundation-pits (the walls and settlement layers were removed by leveling)
Location of the Site

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