Area 754
Main Information
Area ID | 754 |
Site |
Bitlikeler |
Area type | undefined |
Area NR | |
Period | |
Dating method | |
Radiocarbon dated | None |
Earliest date: Lab Number | |
Earliest date: 14C age (BP) | |
Earliest date: Calibration | None |
Earliest date: 14C age calibrated (BC) | |
Earliest date: Date of calibration | None |
Earliest date: Standard deviation | None |
Earliest date: Delta 13C | None |
Earliest date: Dated by | |
Latest date: Lab Number | |
Latest date: 14C age (BP) | |
Latest date: Calibration | None |
Latest date: 14C age calibrated (BC) | |
Latest date: Date of calibration | None |
Latest date: Standard deviation | None |
Latest date: Delta 13C | None |
Latest date: Dated by | |
Period Reference |
Özdoğan, Mehmet, The Neolithic in Turkey. New Excavations & New Research. Central Turkey, None, None Balkan-Atli, N., Binder, D., , Neolithic Obsidian Workshop at Kömürcü-Kaletepe (Central Anatolia) Istanbul 2012, None, None |
Comment | No specific period is mentioned, just that this site was used over a long span of time. |
Settlement type | None |
Settlement structure | |
Settlement building type | |
Settlement building shape | |
Settlement building technique | |
Settlement archaeological features | |
Cave/rockshelters type | None |
Cave/rockshelters: Evidence of graves/human remains | |
Cave/rockshelters: Evidence of occupation | |
Quarry exploitation type | None |
Quarry raw material | |
Cemetery/graves topography | |
Cemetery/graves mortuary features | |
Grave: number of graves | |
Grave type | |
Grave: type of human remains | |
Grave: estimated number of individuals | |
Grave: age groups | |
Grave: sexes | |
Grave: number of female sex | None |
Grave: number of male sex | None |
Grave: number of not specified sex | None |
Grave: disturbance of graves | |
Description | The workshop lies on a high terrace. A great variety of artifacts, in different traditions and periods were found. The obsidian is probably the most largely diffused one. Finds: bifacial preforms, pyramidal unipolar cores, bi-directional cores, prismatic pressure bladelet cores, naviform cores. Roughouts or preforms were taken out to be knapped at the settlements; the whole knapping sequence was performed at the workshop, only the intended central blades were exported. Different knapping strategies were used over different periods. It is one of the richest workshops ever discovered. |
Comment |
Finds in this Area
Finds |
ID 1790 lithics |