Finds 287

Main Information
Finds ID 287
Site Salat Cami Yani
Area ID 118 settlement
Research event excavation: rescue The Salat Cemi Yarni excavations 2004
Finds type lithics
Small finds category None
Small finds type
Botany species
Animal remains species
Animal remains completeness None
Animal remains part
Lithics technology
Lithics industry Blade industry
Flake industry
Lithics cores and preparation Bullet core
Flake core
Lithics retouched tools End-scraper on blade
Retouched blade
Lithics unretouched tools
Lithics raw material Flint
Obsidian Yes
Obsidian amount 60
Pottery form
Pottery detail
Pottery decoration
Pottery type None
Material flint
Confidence 5
Comment Obsidian and flint are used as raw materials, both showing rather distinctive production strategies. The technology and strategy of lithic production that had already been established in Phase 1 continued in Phase 3. The proportion of obsidian is relatively high; consisting of araund 30-60% of the entire chipped stone assemblage. Most of the obsidian is brought from East Anatolian sources such as the peralkaline sources of Nemrut Dagi or Bingöl and calcoalkaline sources of Bingöl. There are a few specimens whose provenances could not be identified, but at least it has been confirmed that they are not from Central Anatolian sources. Obsidian artifacts consist basically of a blade industry. The existence of some single-platform bullet cores and core tablets indicate that obsidian lithic production was carried out at the site to some extent. Most of the obsidian artifacts consist of blades/bladelets, including retouched or utilized pieces. However, other standardized obsidian tools are considerably rare; only one probable piece of side-blow blade-flake, one end scraper, and two trapezes have been found so far. The other tools such as projectile points or "Cayönü tools", which are well known at contemporaneous sites, are completely absent. Flint artifacts show a strong cantrast with obsidian and are almost entirely comprised of a flake industry. Local flints, that originated as pebblestones and which may be procured from the bed of the Salat Stream even today, were probably exploited as raw materials. Multi-platform flake cores are commonly seen, and amorphaus flakes with cortex are highly predominant. Although there are a few blades including sickle elements and retouched blades, the fine quality of the flint suggests that they were not made locally but brought to the site from elsewhere. Except for a few picks, virtually no standardized flint tools are known. A number of spherical flint objects covered with traces of pecking are characteristics of the flint industry.
Interpretations related to these Finds
Interpretation ID 46