Finds 3

Main Information
Finds ID 3
Site Gusir Höyük
Area ID 2 settlement
Research event excavation: rescue The Gusir Höyük excavation 2009
Finds type small finds
Small finds category tool
Small finds type Grinding stone
Botany species
Animal remains species
Animal remains completeness None
Animal remains part
Lithics technology
Lithics industry
Lithics cores and preparation
Lithics retouched tools
Lithics unretouched tools
Lithics raw material
Obsidian None
Obsidian amount None
Pottery form
Pottery detail
Pottery decoration
Pottery type None
Material basalt
Confidence 5
Comment The majority of the Gusir Höyük small finds consist of grinding stones and pierced stones which are abundant in all phases. Basalt grinding-stones are particularly large in size and all are heavily worn. Some roughly shaped, pierced Iimestone artifacts ofvarious sizes have been recovered; their functions are not clear. There are also a number of roughly shaped limestone vessels, pestles shaped as animal heads, hand stones, mortars, and stone pIugs; bone awls are also numerous. A stone found on the periphery of the excavation site is decorated on one side and grooved on the other, bearing a particular similarity to the Körtik Tepe decorated grooved stones. A rich and varied artefactual assemblage has been recovered in association with the burials.