Finds 36

Main Information
Finds ID 36
Site Sumaki Höyük
Area ID 19 settlement
Research event excavation: rescue The Sumaki Höyük Excavation 2007
Finds type lithics
Small finds category None
Small finds type
Botany species
Animal remains species
Animal remains completeness None
Animal remains part
Lithics technology Direct percussion
Lithics industry Blade industry
Flake industry
Lithics cores and preparation Bullet core
Lithics retouched tools Projectile point
Lithics unretouched tools
Lithics raw material Flint
Obsidian Yes
Obsidian amount 85
Pottery form
Pottery detail
Pottery decoration
Pottery type None
Material flint
Confidence 5
Comment The dominant raw material of the chipped stone industry is obsidian in all the phase. From the preliminary sorting, the small number of pieces with cortex and the shortage ofirregular tlaking show that obsidian could have been brought partly as raw material and/or partly as a core or in an incipient stage of production. Artifacts are rare in the 1st Phase and increase in the 2nd and 3rd Phases. There are a few "Cayönü tools", becoming more abundant in the lower Ievels. The small number of arrowheads indicates that hunting was not popular, orthat other methods were used. Flint as a raw material is from local sources and is less frequent than obsidian. Direct percussion techniques have been used in flint knapping. Smooth blades are very few, and only one broken bullet core has been uncovered. There is a silica sheen on some of the flint blades. A few fine brown and grey flints were brought from abroad. According to preliminary sorting the ratio of flint to obsidian is approximately 15% to 85%. Technologically, although there is an apparent difference between the phases, it is not yet possible to reach definite conclusions or make comments, as research is still continuing.
Interpretations related to these Finds
Interpretation ID 38