Finds 891

Main Information
Finds ID 891
Site Azoria
Area ID 317 settlement
Research event excavation: research Azoria Excavation 2003 - 2004
Finds type pottery
Small finds category None
Small finds type
Botany species
Animal remains species
Animal remains completeness None
Animal remains part
Lithics technology
Lithics industry
Lithics cores and preparation
Lithics retouched tools
Lithics unretouched tools
Lithics raw material
Obsidian None
Obsidian amount None
Pottery form Bowl
Pottery detail Ledge lug
Strap handle
Wishbone handle
Pottery decoration Incised
Pottery type None
Confidence None
Comment The most finds were bowls with a straight or slightly curving-out wall. Open vessels often had a rounded profile, but there also were some bi-conical vessels. The vessels could be incised and had strap handles, small ledge lugs or wishbone handles. The pottery contained mostly phyllite or quartzite inclusions and were mostly smoothed. Some had granite-diorite inclusions that were characteristic for the Gulf of Mirabello and were mostly heavily smoothed. Occasionally pottery was found that was grogged with silver mica and marble or calcite.