Site Göbekli Tepe

Main Information
Site ID 115
Name of the site Göbekli Tepe
Alias name
Alternative name
District Sanliurfa
Region Southeastern Anatolia
Country Turkey
Period Anatolia Pre-Pottery Neolithic A
Anatolia Pre-Pottery Neolithic B
Description Göbekli Tepe is a tell that forms the highest elevation on the Germuş range northeast of Şanlıurfa. It is a landmark, overlooking the Harran Plain spreading out to the south. Springs are accessible in the plains which surround the mountain to the north, east and south, but there is no access to water in the immediate vicinity of the side.
Topography hill
Geographical Coordinate Reference System WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984
Latitude 37.223330000000
Longitude 38.922290000000
Elevation 800
Exact location yes
Coordinate source GeoNames
Number of activity periods 4
Location of the Site

Areas in this Site
ID 189 undefined Anatolia Pre-Pottery Neolithic A
ID 191 undefined Anatolia Pre-Pottery Neolithic B