Site Köşk Höyük

Main Information
Site ID 548
Name of the site Köşk Höyük
Alias name Köşk Pınarı
Alternative name
District Nigde
Region Central Anatolia
Country Turkey
Period Anatolia Early Neolithic
Anatolia Middle Neolithic
Anatolia Late Neolithic
Anatolia Early Chalcolithic
Description This site is a mound located northeastern of the city of Niğde, Bahçeli District of Bor Province, on the north slope of a natural elevation. It was found in 1964 by R. Harper and M. Ramsden during a survey. The site was named Köşk Pınarı (Köşk Spring) after a natural spring on a lower slope. Because of drillings for water by the State Water Works (DSl) around the west slope, rescue excavations took place from 1980-1990 under U. Silistreli under the auspices of the Niğde Museum. Excavations resumed from 1995 until recently under the auspices of the Niğde Museum and under A. Öztan. The Bor plateau rises to the North of the city of Niğde (ca. 1100 m above the sea level). The eastern elevations, covered with Holocene alluvium, are Neogene calcareous tufa. One elevation (Uzun Tepe) is 1179 m high. THe hilltop was truncated during the Niğde - Adana highway construction. Köşk Höyük lies on the northern slope of this truncated hillrock. The peaks of Hasan Daği and Melendiz Daği can be seen from the top of the mound in any weather condition, Aladağ and Bolkar Mountains are a little further away. There are a lot of freshwater springs in the calcareous limestone terrain (one is located on the west side of the mound), the site is generally located at the center of rich, fertile agricultural areas up until the present (the modern village of Kemerishar lies around the Neolithic mound). The site was easily accessible to obsidian resources; also the forests that existed in the Neolithic provided numerous resources. The site was used from the Aceramic Neolithic to the Early Chalcolithic (until ca. 5000 BC), and again in the Late Iron Age, Late Hellenistic Period, Roman Period, Byzantine Period, Middle Ages, Turkish Republic and the present. Settlement remains, graves, pottery, figurines and other small finds (seals, tools etc.) were found.
Topography hill
Geographical Coordinate Reference System WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984
Latitude 37.847500000000
Longitude 34.612222000000
Elevation None
Exact location yes
Coordinate source OREA
Number of activity periods None
Location of the Site

Reference Bıçakçı, E.,Tepecik/Çiftlik Höyüğü (Niğde) Kazısı Işığında Orta Anadolu Tarihöncesi Kültürleri ile İlgili Yeni bir Değerlendirme, TÜBA-AR 4, 2001.,None,None
Silistreli, U.,Köşk Höyük Figürin ve Heykelcikleri,None,None
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Öztan, A.,Köşk Höyük: Anadolu Arkeolojisine Yeni Katkılar, 2002,None,None
Silistreli, U.,Köşk Höyük'te Bulunan Kabartma İnsan ve Hayvan Figürleriye Bezeli Kaplar, 1989a,None,None
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Areas in this Site
ID 752 settlement Anatolia Early Neolithic
Anatolia Middle Neolithic
Anatolia Late Neolithic
Anatolia Early Chalcolithic