Site Gedikbaşı

Main Information
Site ID 677
Name of the site Gedikbaşı
Alias name Gedikpaşa
Alternative name
District Aksaray
Region Central Anatolia
Country Turkey
Period Anatolia Pre-Pottery Neolithic A
Anatolia Pre-Pottery Neolithic B
Anatolia Pre-Pottery Neolithic C
Description This site is one of the four satellite sites of Aşıklı. It is situated about 500 m southeast of it and was a one-period flat and low site of the Aceramic Neolithic, possibly contemporary to Aşıklı Höyuk. It lay directly on the bedrock. Maybe it had an accompanying function, e.g. as a hunting camp site, knapping site or family unit site.
Topography riverside
Geographical Coordinate Reference System None
Latitude None
Longitude None
Elevation None
Exact location no
Coordinate source None
Number of activity periods 1
Areas in this Site
ID 784 undefined Anatolia Pre-Pottery Neolithic A
Anatolia Pre-Pottery Neolithic B
Anatolia Pre-Pottery Neolithic C