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Total results: 3093
ID finds type site name Pottery detail Pottery decoration
1876 botany Nevalı Çori
1877 animal remains Nevalı Çori
1869 small finds tool Nevalı Çori
1873 lithics Nevalı Çori
1874 small finds tool Nevalı Çori
556 animal remains Psychro-Cave
859 pottery Katsoucheiroi Coarse
860 small finds tool Katsoucheiroi
557 animal remains Katsoucheiroi
566 pottery Chostia
567 pottery Vlicha
568 pottery Loukisia
569 pottery Paralimni
571 small finds tool Kephissos-Kopais-Valley
570 pottery Kephissos-Kopais-Valley
572 pottery Plataiai
573 pottery Thebes/Toumpi Painted
575 small finds tool Thebes/Toumpi
574 small finds figurine Thebes/Toumpi
576 pottery Thespies
578 small finds tool Skourta Plain
577 pottery Skourta Plain
579 small finds tool Skourta Plain
580 pottery Bowl Varka/Psachna Flat Base
Black burnished
Coarse Urfirnis
Matt painted
Pattern burnished
Plastic Decoration
Red on white
monochrome red
581 pottery Jar Varka/Psachna Black burnished
Coarse Urfirnis
Matt painted
Pattern burnished
Plastic Decoration
Red on white
monochrome red

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