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Total results: 3093
ID finds type site name Pottery detail Pottery decoration
583 small finds tool Varka/Psachna
582 pottery Carinated Bowl Varka/Psachna High Strap Handle with Knob
Stringhole Lug
Black burnished
Grey ware
Matt painted
Pattern burnished
Plastic Decoration
585 animal remains Varka/Psachna
584 small finds figurine Varka/Psachna
588 pottery Globular Jar Glypha/Psachna monochrome red
587 pottery Bowl Glypha/Psachna Black burnished
monochrome red
586 pottery Pithos Glypha/Psachna Coarse
Plastic Decoration
611 animal remains Skoteini-Cave
609 botany Skoteini-Cave
606 small finds tool Skoteini-Cave
604 small finds tool Skoteini-Cave
603 small finds figurine Skoteini-Cave
595 pottery Fruitstand Skoteini-Cave
601 pottery Baking Pan Skoteini-Cave
599 pottery Pithos Skoteini-Cave Elephant Lug
Horned handle
Figure relief decoration
Plastic Decoration
600 pottery Bowl Skoteini-Cave Rolled rim
Monochrome burnished
598 pottery Bowl Skoteini-Cave Zoomorphic handle attachment
Monochrome black
Pattern burnished
Plastic Decoration
Red burnished
monochrome red
597 pottery Jar Skoteini-Cave Zoomorphic handle attachment
Black burnished
Plastic Decoration
589 pottery Carinated Bowl Skoteini-Cave Black burnished
Coarse Urfirnis
Grey ware
Matt painted
White on black
593 pottery Scoop Skoteini-Cave Horned handle
Coarse Urfirnis
Pointillé decoration
591 pottery Bowl Skoteini-Cave Pedestal Base
Black burnished
Coarse Urfirnis
Grey ware
Matt painted
592 pottery Kastellos Tzermiado
596 lithics Kastellos Tzermiado
602 lithics Petalota
605 lithics Katharo

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