Finds 730

Main Information
Finds ID 730
Site Cayönü
Area ID 293 settlement
Research event excavation: research The Cayönü Excavations 1964 - 1991
Finds type lithics
Small finds category None
Small finds type
Botany species
Animal remains species
Animal remains completeness None
Animal remains part
Lithics technology
Lithics industry Blade industry
Flake industry
Lithics cores and preparation
Lithics retouched tools Çayönü tool
Lithics unretouched tools
Lithics raw material
Obsidian None
Obsidian amount None
Pottery form
Pottery detail
Pottery decoration
Pottery type None
Confidence 5
Comment Highly standard lithic tool types, especially the "Cayönü tool", and an abundant number of non-formal tools form the tool kit of this stage. Binder states that the long obsidian blade from which the "Cayönü tool" was made had been flaked with a lever that was used standing up and also sugests that this method could have been used since the late phases of the cell buildings. Naviform cores with double striking platforms fall from use and the ratio of flake to blade is reversed. Tools which had been in use for a long time either decrease in number or disappear. This shows a trend from "...a local development towards a pastoral life." The inventory of DK (lr1), EA (lr2) and DT(lr3) includes numerous chipped discs.