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Total results: 3093
ID finds type site name Pottery detail Pottery decoration
795 None Agios Athanasios
791 None Mavranei
38 small finds jewellery Sumaki Höyük
37 small finds tool Sumaki Höyük
132 small finds figurine Prodromos
4 small finds jewellery Gusir Höyük
35 small finds figurine Sumaki Höyük
131 small finds tool Prodromos
143 small finds tool Theopetra-Cave
128 small finds figurine Makrychori
15 small finds Agios Ioannis-Cave
129 small finds jewellery Makrychori
69 small finds jewellery Demirköy
68 small finds tool Demirköy
126 small finds tool Sesklo
130 small finds tool Makrychori
144 small finds jewellery Theopetra-Cave
52 small finds tool Sesklo
51 small finds jewellery Sesklo
30 small finds Arkalies-Cave/Skourachladas
50 small finds figurine Sesklo
7 small finds jewellery Sumaki Höyük
67 small finds figurine Pyrgos
55 small finds tool Sumaki Höyük
6 small finds tool Sumaki Höyük

    Page total: 25

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