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Total results: 3093
ID finds type site name Pottery detail Pottery decoration
1464 pottery Hole-mouthed Jar Sesklo Burnished
Monochrome white
1396 pottery Bowl Sesklo Knob
Monochrome red (A1)
52 small finds tool Sesklo
124 small finds figurine Sesklo
1478 pottery Bowl Sesklo Flat Base
Red on white (A3ß)
2482 small finds figurine Sesklo
62 None Hallan Cemi
60 botany Hallan Cemi
59 animal remains Hallan Cemi
58 lithics tool Hallan Cemi
57 small finds tool Hallan Cemi
66 lithics Demirköy
63 small finds jewellery Demirköy
64 small finds tool Demirköy
75 animal remains Demirköy
74 animal remains Demirköy
73 botany Demirköy
68 small finds tool Demirköy
72 pottery Demirköy
71 small finds figurine Demirköy
69 small finds jewellery Demirköy
67 small finds figurine Pyrgos
65 pottery Bowl Pyrgos Incised (Γ2)
Monochrome undecorated (B1)
White on red (Β3α1)
70 small finds tool Pyrgos
84 animal remains Dimini

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