Site Tepecik-Çiftlik

Main Information
Site ID 625
Name of the site Tepecik-Çiftlik
Alias name
Alternative name
District Nigde
Region Central Anatolia
Country Turkey
Period Anatolia Middle Chalcolithic
Anatolia Early Chalcolithic
Anatolia Late Neolithic
Anatolia Middle Neolithic
Anatolia Early Neolithic
Anatolia Early Neolithic
Anatolia Middle Neolithic
Anatolia Late Neolithic
Anatolia Early Chalcolithic
Anatolia Middle Chalcolithic
Description This site is a höyük in the southern part of the Central Anatolian plateau, on the south-western edge of Cappadocia, in the Melendiz Plain. In this region, there were volcanic activities (--> therefore volcanic domes, calderas and craters). There used to be a paleolake that maybe was still present in the Neolithic. It was filled up by sedimentation (volcanic ash, pumice, tephra). The soil was suitable for farming, well irrigated by perennial waters from the surrounding mountains that merge with the Melendiz River. There used to be a wild fauna, basaltic and andesitic stones for construction, and obsidian was available in the immediate vicinity. The mound is about 300 x 170 m big and named after the nearby village. The excavations of the oval höyük, an area of ca. 33 300 m², began in 2000. The topography was that of a semi-cone with a steep north-western slope. The area had been flattened due to agricultural activities from the Neolithic up to the present. The prehistoric settlement is estimated to have been the size of 6 ha. Five occupational phases were discovered: I: Late Roman/Byzantine, level 1, badly destroyed, graves were found; II: Middle Chalcolithic, level 2, mainly in the north-western part of the excavated area; III: Early Chalcolithic, level 3; IV: Pottery Neolithic Upper Phase, levels 4-5, about 400 m²; V: Pottery Neolithic, levels 6-9;
Topography hill
Geographical Coordinate Reference System WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984
Latitude 38.171944000000
Longitude 34.493611000000
Elevation None
Exact location yes
Coordinate source OREA
Number of activity periods 5
Location of the Site
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

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Areas in this Site
ID 758 settlement Anatolia Middle Chalcolithic
ID 759 settlement Anatolia Early Chalcolithic
ID 760 settlement Anatolia Late Neolithic
ID 761 settlement Anatolia Middle Neolithic
ID 762 settlement Anatolia Early Neolithic
ID 763 settlement Anatolia Early Neolithic
Anatolia Middle Neolithic
Anatolia Late Neolithic
Anatolia Early Chalcolithic
Anatolia Middle Chalcolithic