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Total results: 3093
ID finds type site name Pottery detail Pottery decoration
2 lithics Gusir Höyük
4 small finds jewellery Gusir Höyük
3 small finds tool Gusir Höyük
35 small finds figurine Sumaki Höyük
47 pottery Shallow Bowl Sumaki Höyük
56 small finds jewellery Sumaki Höyük
44 pottery Shallow Bowl Sumaki Höyük Painted
Red slipped
42 pottery Bowl Sumaki Höyük Painted
Red slipped
38 small finds jewellery Sumaki Höyük
48 pottery Bowl Sumaki Höyük
36 lithics Sumaki Höyük
5 lithics Sumaki Höyük
7 small finds jewellery Sumaki Höyük
55 small finds tool Sumaki Höyük
45 pottery Sumaki Höyük Painted
Red slipped
46 pottery Hole-mouthed jar Sumaki Höyük
6 small finds tool Sumaki Höyük
41 small finds figurine Sumaki Höyük
54 lithics Sumaki Höyük
37 small finds tool Sumaki Höyük
43 pottery Collared Jar Sumaki Höyük Painted
Red slipped
8 pottery Kastelli Chanion
9 pottery Kastelli Chanion
14 pottery Agios Ioannis-Cave
10 animal remains Agios Ioannis-Cave

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